Within a week I had so many special reminders of Magdalena's impact on others. Her memory alone is special, but when small things occur that let me know God is still using her life to change this world, my heart is warmed, a God-provided comfort. The first came a surprise. In a brown envelope was this March of Dimes pin. I will never wear it, and the pin itself is worthless except of what it signifies. To me this pin represents all of the people that Magdalena has mobilized to help babies have a fighting chance at life. It wasn't just one person that gave a full amount but a lot of people together giving small amounts (and buying t-shirts!) to help raise money for babies. Because special babies require special care. I stared at the pin for awhile through teary eyes just thinking how proud I was of her! That amazing little girl.
No, it doesn't stop there. A few days later I received a thank-you note in the mail from the children's hospital thanking us for the toys donated! And thanks to all of you SO many toys were donated! When a child goes into treatment they get to pick a toy from the prize box, where all of the donated toys were put. And a precious mommy wrote a comment on the blog about her sweet daughter getting one of the Barbies.
No, these things don't show the exact purpose for her life or her death, but it gives me great joy to see how her imprint is still all over this earth!
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